Monday 29 April 2013

Audience Theories

What key words or statements would you describe the Hypodermic Needle Theory with? 
  • Brainwashing audiences into one way of thinking
  • audiences are passive
  • audiences are injected with a message
  • audiences have no opinion on the matter 
  • message is received and accepted.
The Hypodermic Needle Theory discusses audiences that are passive.
What does Orson Welles' radio adaptation have to do with Hypodermic Needle Theory? Apparently lead many audience members, and some of the media, to believe that aliens actually landed in New York.

Descrive THREE ways in which the Uses and Gratifications works. - Examples -audiences use media as a sense of diversion (from everyday life)
  • Personal Identity
  • Companship or relationship
  • Surveillance
  • Representation
  • Entertainment
What is the difference between an active and a passive audience?
  • Active = audiences participate with the text, or have their own opinion or interpretation of the text.
  • Passive = audience accepts the text with no thought or opinion on the matter.

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